Home | Links to some of our favourite sites | Photo's | Things we love | Some polls | By Anon | The happy board | More random photos... | The lego appriciation society | RENT-heads only..... | Gosssip..... | S.A.A.C | Bitty bit of the week Here are all the brilliant sites in the world today, highly recommended for incredibly bored people bunking off lessons at skool! ;) Bored.com The best site for the bored people in the world today... RENT site >note cute pic of Angel & Collins!! Loadsa RENT stuff Harry Potter!! The one and only! www.thispagecannotbedisplayed.com This an incredibly funny ickle site, one of the funniest we've seen for a long time...go now!!!!! Go to Becca's little world hmmm, very strange little world, inside Beccas head, includes storys we write in science (highly recommended!~) Jammie's site.... Erm, yes......mainly about cucumbers & radiohead...